Business in Andorra

Andorra is a neutral and strategically located country, whose official language is Catalan but coexists with French and Spanish perfectly, has good transport connections, high quality internet connection with optical fiber broadband in every office and home, with a healthy banking system and open to any initiative of potential investors.

New businesses and investments

It has negotiated a double taxation agreement with several countries which is currently in the process of expanding to other countries, adding to this a very competitive tax framework, and a good quality of life.
Andorra is a very attractive country with all the ingredients for the creation of new businesses and open to investors with very good expectations for the future.

In addition to local businessmen very settled in the country, there is a strong interaction with businessmen from other European, North and South American and Asian countries.

Andorra, home for new technologies

Type of Companies that can be created in Andorra

Sociedad Anónima (SA)

Limited Company (SL)

Wealth Company

International Companies with Intangible Assets

International Trading Companies

Intra-group Management and Investment Companies

Holding Companies

We solve all your doubts

Do you wish to open a business company in Andorra? Do you want to invest in Andorra? Do you want to open a subsidiary company? Do you want to have a company in Andorra with activity abroad? Do you want to create a holding structure? Do you want to open a call center? ……

Contact us

We are experts

Tell us what type of business, company, investment or project you need to create, and we will help you and put all our local and international knowledge at your disposal so your ideas and objectives become a success. TOPGES is your best assistant in Andorra!